Touch Project: First Touches

First Touches
"Touch seems to be as essential as sunlight."
- Diane Ackerman (A Natural History of the Senses)

Since I was a young child, I always enjoyed basking in the sunlight. The sun was always a kind face to see in the mornings, greeting me with warmth if the skies were clear. It was the first touch of the morning I always looked forward to, and still do. Touch is an essential facet of life, dictating our entire livelihoods from the moment we are born. Sunlight is just the same; it feeds the life on this planet and provides us with light and warmth we would be so devoid without. 

This piece is meant to display the pure feeling of contentment when fresh sunlight hits my face. I am often filled with a sense of vigor, being able to continue whatever task is at hand because the sun's shafts of light merely touched my face. I chose watercolor as the medium because it translates the transparent yet vibrant nature of sunlight well as well as adding a sense of ethereal atmosphere to accompany the displayed feeling of warmth.The sun quite literally gives me life when I feel lifeless, holding me and pushing me forward. 


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